What is InstaBand?
Basically, you choose the instrument (if you want to play), and we choose the band. Each new band has 5 minutes in the Green Room to write a new song and pick a band name. They also get 2 minutes to "costume up" before performing the new song for everyone else. Musicians sign up in advance for vocals or an instrument at www.InstaBandParty.com. Fans participate by drawing the album's cover art for each band's performance.
Where is it?
Rancho del Freako is located in Sebastopol. Physical address will be provided after signing up at www.InstaBandParty.com
Who can play?
Anyone who feels like they can play an instrument well enough to be able to (1) play with others and sound good, and (2) write songs on the spot. Songs don't have to be Grammy winners, since bands only have 5 minutes to write them, but the better they are the more fun it is to listen and dance!
Audience members can participate by creating the album's cover art, dancing, or just listening to the music.
Where to sign up?
Go to www.InstaBandParty.com and tell us what part of the band you want to be, or if you want to be a fan. Band space is limited, so website sign ups will get priority over on-site sign ups.
What is InstaBand really like?
Check out our previous parties at www.InstaBandParty.com to get an idea of the scene and the sounds.
Is it just for musicians?
No! Bands need listeners too! Plus, one fan from the audience will be the artist for the new band's album cover, drawn while the new song is being played.
Should I bring ear protection?
Foam earplugs will be provided, but bring some if you have them!
Can I forward this to a friend/musician/music lover?
Absolutely! If they want to play in a band, make sure they sign up on www.InstaBandParty.com! If they don't play music, they should sign up as well... We always need fans!
How much does it cost?
It's a sliding scale, but $10 per person is recommended.
Drinks & Snacks
We have snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. BYOB if you want alcohol, we will have a cooler for you.
Why do this?
The goal is to build community through music.
Can kids come?
Sure! It's a family friendly event! They can even join a band if they feel inspired.
Will there be another one if I can't make it this time?
The plan is to continue hosting them monthly in 2025 and beyond. If you have a spot to host one, please let us know!
Should I bring any of my gear?
If you normally use it, bring it. Amps and cables are always helpful. Bring your instrument, but we will have a back line including keyboards, drum kit and a sound board.